Can I Pay Myself A Salary From Charity Or Non-Profit?

Are you the head of a charity or non-profit organization and have been wondering if you can pay yourself a salary from it? If so, youre not alone. Many people in your position are asking the same question.

Paying yourself a salary from a charity or non-profit can be a difficult and complex process, but it can also be beneficial. This article will explain the process of paying yourself a salary from a charity or non-profit, including the advantages and disadvantages of doing so, and how to legally pay yourself a salary from a charity or non-profit.

What Is A Charity Or Non-Profit?

You may have heard the term ‘charity’ or ‘non-profit’ before, but do you know what it really means?

A charity is a business that raises money to help those in need and falls under the 501(c)(3) organizations category according to the IRS.

Charities serve educational, religious, or scientific causes and provide free services to the public using raised funds.

All charities are nonprofits and must meet specific criteria set by the IRS, such as being not-for-profit and focusing on relieving poverty or other charitable causes.

They must also benefit the public, have a positive impact, be free from association with any political party, and have a stated charitable objective.

Charities should also be governed by volunteers.

Types of Compensation For Non-Profit Employees

As a non-profit employee, you can receive various types of compensation for your work. The most common is a salary, which is determined by the position you hold. This salary can be comparable to that of other employees in similar roles.

Additionally, you may receive bonuses depending on your performance and the extra hours you put in. Bonuses are not always guaranteed, but they can be an additional incentive for staying motivated and doing a good job.

Generally, non-profit employees are not allowed to pay themselves a salary from the charity or non-profit organization.

Advantages And Disadvantages of Paying Yourself A Salary

Working for a non-profit can be rewarding, but there are pros and cons to paying yourself a salary.

For starters, it can be difficult to determine a reasonable salary that doesn’t exceed the amount that can be used for the organization’s mission. It can also be difficult to maintain an appropriate balance between the resources used to support the mission and the resources used to pay yourself.

On the other hand, if the non-profit has the funds and you’re able to set a reasonable salary, then it can be beneficial to receive a regular paycheck. This provides stability and helps you focus on the organization’s goals. Additionally, it helps the non-profit to attract and retain quality employees, which is beneficial to the organization’s mission.

All in all, paying yourself a salary can be a tricky situation, so it’s important to do ample research and make sure the salary is fair and reasonable.

Important Considerations Before Paying Yourself A Salary

Before making the decision to pay yourself a salary, it’s important to consider a few key factors.

First, it’s important to understand the legal implications of paying yourself a salary from a charity or non-profit organization. Depending on the country or state, there may be specific regulations or laws that govern such payments, and it’s important to stay within the bounds of the law.

Secondly, it’s important to consider the potential impact on the charity’s public image or reputation. Paying yourself a salary may be seen as taking advantage of the charity’s funds, and this could damage the charity’s public image.

Lastly, it’s important to consider the financial implications of paying yourself a salary. It’s important to make sure that the salary does not compromise the charity’s ability to carry out its mission or fund its activities.

How To Legally Pay Yourself A Salary From A Charity Or Non-Profit

To legally pay yourself from a charitable organization or non-profit, you’ll need to follow certain regulations and guidelines.

The first step is to set up payroll for yourself, and any other employees, to ensure that you are paying yourself (and others) legally.

Depending on your country, you may need to register your charity with the government, set up a bank account, and obtain an employer identification number (EIN).

Additionally, you will need to pay yourself a reasonable salary that is consistent with the amount that other employees in your industry and the same geographical area would receive.

You should also check if your country requires you to register for and pay payroll taxes, and make sure to report all of your income correctly when filing taxes.

Tax Implications of Paying Yourself A Salary From A Non-Profit

Paying yourself a salary from a non-profit can have major and long-lasting tax implications, so it’s important to understand them thoroughly before taking action.

In the United States, paying yourself a salary from a non-profit is subject to income taxes as well as payroll taxes. This means that all wages or salaries paid to you as an employee of a non-profit are subject to the same taxes as any other salary or wage.

Additionally, any benefits you receive from the non-profit, such as health insurance, are also subject to taxes.

It’s important to note that any contributions made to the non-profit by yourself or other individuals are not subject to taxes. However, if you are a board member or other executive, you may be required to report any non-cash contributions you make to the non-profit on your taxes.

Potential Pitfalls of Paying Yourself A Salary From A Charity Or Non-Profit

If you’re considering taking a salary from a charity or non-profit, you need to be aware of the potential pitfalls.

One of the main issues is that you may not be able to prove that the amount you’re taking is commensurate with your level of involvement in the organization. If the compensation you’re receiving is disproportionate to your work, it may be seen as a conflict of interest.

Additionally, your salary may be subject to extra scrutiny and must comply with relevant laws and regulations. Depending on the structure of the charity or non-profit, failure to do so could lead to legal action and fines.

Finally, taking a salary from a charity or non-profit can also put the organization’s credibility at risk. If you’re receiving a salary that’s more than the industry standard, it could damage the public perception of the organization and negatively affect its reputation.

Alternatives To Paying Yourself A Salary From A Non-Profit

Rather than taking a salary from a charitable organization, seeking out alternative forms of compensation can protect both the organization’s reputation and your own.

One option is to become a volunteer for the organization, which can help you gain valuable experience and build relationships. Additionally, you could look into receiving a stipend or reimbursement for any expenses you incur while doing work for the charity. This could include anything from travel costs to purchasing supplies for a project.

Another option is to become a contractor and receive payment for services rendered. This way, the organization is able to receive the benefit of your skills and expertise without having to commit to a salary. This is an especially good option if you are only working on a short-term project. Additionally, you can look into grant funding or corporate sponsorships to help with the cost of your services.

How To Set Up An Accountable Reimbursement Plan

Setting up an accountable reimbursement plan can be an excellent way to ensure that you’re compensated fairly for your work with a charity or non-profit organization.

This type of plan requires that you document your expenses and submit them to the organization for reimbursement. It also requires that you track your hours and keep accurate records of your activities.

When setting up an accountable reimbursement plan, you should clearly define the types of expenses that you’re eligible to be reimbursed for, as well as the maximum amount that you can be reimbursed for each type of expense.

Additionally, you should also set up a system for tracking your expenses and hours. This system should be transparent and accessible to all parties involved, including the organization and yourself.

Finally, you should ensure that all reimbursement requests are approved by the organization before you’re paid. This will help to ensure that you’re not overpaid or underpaid for your work.

How To Calculate Salary Reimbursements

Calculating reimbursements for time spent working for a cause can be a complex process that requires careful consideration. To ensure that the organization is in compliance with the law, it’s important to determine the total hours worked and the rate of pay. The rate of pay should be appropriate for the position and should be consistent with the market rate.

Once the hours and rate of pay are determined, the salary expense can be calculated. This amount should be reported as a salary expense on the organization’s financial statements. It’s also important to note that the salary should be paid from the organization’s funds and not from donations. Additionally, the salary must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service in order to properly document the expenditure.

By taking the time to calculate the salary expense accurately, organizations can ensure that their finances remain compliant and transparent.


Paying yourself a salary from a charity or non-profit can be a great way to be compensated for your hard work, but it’s important to be aware of potential pitfalls, as well as legal requirements.

Before making the decision to do so, it’s important to understand the different types of compensation available and to make sure that it’s the right decision for you and your organization.

Alternatives, such as setting up an accountable reimbursement plan, may be a better option for some.