What Is Rate of Depreciation?

Key Takeaways

  • Depreciation is a method of accounting for the cost of an asset over its useful life.
  • The rate of depreciation is the rate at which the cost of an asset is spread over its useful life.
  • The rate of depreciation differs between assets and industries and is expressed as a percentage of the original cost of the asset.
  • There are four primary methods for calculating depreciation expense: straight line, double declining balance, units of production, and sum-of-the-years’ digits.

Depreciation Rate

The depreciation rate is a crucial factor to consider when evaluating the cost of an asset over its estimated life. It is expressed as a percentage of the original cost of the asset and is usually spread out evenly over the expected life of the asset.

The rate of depreciation differs between assets, depending on the type of asset and the industry in which it is used. For example, assets used in the construction industry typically have a shorter expected life than those used in the retail industry.

To calculate an asset’s depreciation rate, the asset’s estimated life, residual value, and initial cost must be taken into account. The estimated life is the time over which the asset is expected to be used. The residual value is the estimated value of the asset at the end of its life and the initial cost is the initial cost of the asset when it was purchased. By taking these three values into account, the depreciation rate of an asset can be determined.

Depreciation rate is a necessary consideration when assessing the cost of an asset over its expected life. It is used to calculate the annual depreciation expense incurred by a company for tax purposes and as an indicator of the relative age of an asset. Knowing the rate of depreciation is critical to understanding the true cost of an asset and its potential profitability.

Methods For Calculation Depreciation Expense

Depreciation expense is the amount of an asset’s value that is allocated to a given period. There are four primary methods for calculating depreciation expense:

  • Straight line method
  • Double declining method
  • Units of production method
  • Sum-of-the-years’ digits method

Each of these methods is based on different assumptions that allow businesses to spread the depreciation expense over multiple periods in the most suitable way.

Straight Line Method

The Straight Line Method is a means of calculating asset depreciation over a period of time that is longer than when the asset was initially purchased.

It involves dividing the asset cost minus the expected salvage value by the expected years of use.

This method has become popular due to its simplicity and ease of calculation:

  • It is straightforward to understand
  • It requires minimal effort to calculate
  • It is used in many different types of depreciation calculations
  • It is the most commonly used method of depreciation calculation

Double declining Method

The Double Declining Balance Method is an accelerated depreciation method that accelerates the write-off of an asset’s cost by depreciating it at a rate that is twice the rate of the Straight Line Method.

This method results in a higher depreciation expense in the earlier years of the asset’s life, while the later years have a lower depreciation expense.

Despite the increased rate of depreciation, the total amount of depreciation is the same as the Straight Line Method.

It is important to note that this method of accelerated depreciation is most effective when the asset is expected to have a short life span.

Units of Production Method

Calculating depreciation using the Units of Production Method requires an understanding of the asset’s expected output in order to accurately estimate its decreasing value over time.

This method is used when an asset’s value is more closely tied to the number of units it produces. It is more applicable than time-based depreciation methods in such cases.

The rate of depreciation is determined by dividing the expected output of the asset by its total cost. This rate is then applied to the asset’s remaining value each period to calculate the amount of depreciation for that period.

The result is a more accurate measure of an asset’s decreasing value over time.

Sum of Year digits

Determining the depreciation expense of an asset using the Sum of Year digits Method involves adding up the digits of its useful life and dividing them by the total sum of years.

This method is used to calculate the percentage of depreciation for each year based on the remaining years of the asset’s useful life.

The following steps are required to calculate the rate of depreciation:

  1. Calculate the sum of years by adding up the digits of the asset’s useful life.
  2. Divide each digit by the total sum of years to get the percentage depreciation for each year.
  3. Divide the years remaining in the useful life by the sum of remaining life every year.

This method of calculating depreciation expense provides a more accurate calculation than the straight-line method and is used when an asset is expected to have a more varied usage throughout its life.


The calculation of depreciation expense is an important part of financial management. It enables businesses to account for the physical deterioration of assets over time.

The rate of depreciation depends on the type of asset and the depreciation method used, which can be either straight line, accelerated, or the sum of the year’s digits.

The rate of depreciation is an important factor in determining the total amount of depreciation expense to be reported on the income statement.

By understanding the different methods and rates of depreciation, businesses can accurately measure and report the cost of their assets over time.